Terraria: Gerobrine's Curse

(First: That is my First Trollpasta, please do not hate or my friend EVIL PATRIXXX will kill you! and I form Brazilian, my English is VERY VERY BAD) Yey! i would start playing terraria today! and i would continue, if it was not a terrible fact...:
Ok, i made my character and created a new world, the character name is Miguel, and the name of world is Minecraft, i Spawned in a Forest biome, the name of Guide is...Jeff...i ignored the fact of the name of guide is jeff, i went to get wood and make a house for...jeff...(i have a concern with NPCs, if they die not back...). I make a mini-house for Jeff and put the flag with Guide's Head, did many other things and finally get the Suspicious Looking Eye, when summon Eye of Cthullu was startled, the iris is totally white, the differencie enters via iris and the other parto of eye (?) by doms white. and had only half the HP and got 10 when HP started spinning,i thought the transformation was however turned so fast for 1 minute when hes finished spinning explode and died. King Slime killed after he was red and left blood everywhere he went, he was without the crown (ever had) and without the ninja inside, instead of the ninja had guts inside him.
After almost killed me find crimson and corruption, could break 3 hearts of 2 biomes and invoke Eater of Worlds and Brain of Cthulu. Eater's eyes is blooding and brain was red and easily died.
When i found a Dungeon, the old man had white eyes, and when turned Skeletron had his arms on the floor, with only his head get down and flying, died after 3 hits counted, a hole up from nothing beneath me, falls within the same hive that not being the Underground Jungle , falls upon the larva and she was destroyed, as expected Queen Bee would be invoke, she starded attacking me, i was surprised however, the "old" again and killed the bee to me, however the old left me paralyzed in front of me, i could not move, he just gave me a seizure and gone, left me with 1 HP, then falls into hell with a shot of the old vodoo guiide white eye that invoked a hole underneath of anything, i could take a drug hit in the fall ... let it be ... it was not...i had lava...Blizzard in a Bottle, so i double jump in a ash block, the guide voodoo in lava fell and i fact .... Wall of Flesh was raised and his eyes were white, he was very fast and took me with 1 hit 999 HP...
I died and when i was a cimitery (mushroom biome with several tombs and obelisks) could not move (just look at the other side) the old BASTARD returned, when the mouse passed over him, his name is GEROBRINE, and had 0/0 HP would indicate taht hes immortal, since he is alive with 0 HP, SATANSPAWN opposite of a what a "beauttiful" creature created by my friend Stone Pentagram, since this old put his hands on on my soulder, looked into my player and talked into chat: "The END IS NEAR!" then the image appeared to him looking at me with pure white eyes and made sound TV flashing until left my black screen for 5 minutes when she returned , she was already about to go into the house of my friends tell about the fact when i took the courage wnt to play it again, the "terraria.exe" the application taht i use to play this terraria, dissapared from the desktop when search terraria.exe in Start, simply had nothing, only the horrible image of the old man looking at me with the phrase "the end is near" upon it... it was a terrible day to tell the fact to my friends ... surely Mariana now has a reason to dislike nor terraria and minecraft xD